Mindfulness Meditation for Youth

Beginning Meditation Class

Mindfulness Meditation for Teens teaches practical and effective tools for managing stress, anxiety and emotions to young people ages 13 to 18 as they navigate their adolescence. This Beginner Meditation Class is designed to help teenagers learn how to meditate. Simply stated, the key to learning meditation is by doing it and this beginners course is designed to help establish a consistent meditation practice.

Students will learn two very powerful techniques: Breath Meditation (the heart of Eastern meditation systems) and Mindfulness Meditation (the core instruction of learning mind and body balance). Both are proven to be of immense value and benefit to practitioners.

Benefits of Beginner Meditation for Teens:

  • Promotes self-confidence
  • Develops mental clarity and creativity
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Increases ability to focus
  • Improves receptive learning
  • Decreases aggressive and/or impulsive behavior
  • Expands self-awareness
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Better decision-making
Course Content:

  • Exploration of emotions and expectations
  • Effective strategies for increasing focus and clarity
  • Effective communication strategies
  • Less stressful and more productive ways to manage conflict
  • Improving connections with family, friends and peers
  • Benefits and practice of laughter

  • Six Weeks
  • Each weekly session is 60 minutes
  • Presented in Charlotte Meditation studio
  • Comfortable clothing suggested
  • No special equipment or materials required
All in-studio classes are held through our Parent Studio Charlotte Meditation (a for-profit organization)

* NOTE: Chairs available if sitting on the floor is uncomfortable for you

Limited to 10 participants

Classes are regularly scheduled Monday – Friday  4pm – 8pm and Saturdays  between 8am – 5pm
Please call 704-299-0200 for the next available class

Advance Registration is required

Please fill out the following form and we will get back to you with information on our upcoming classes.

    Your Name (*)

    Your Email (*)

    Best Daytime Phone # (*)

    Which classes are you interested in?(*)

    Mindfulness Meditation for StudentsMediation for Families

    How did you hear about us?(*)

    Additional Information/Requests: